I have recently started a new job and this week has been my first week of commuting there on my bike. I used to ride to my old job but considering it was in the same suburb that I live in, it was hardly long enough to be classed as commuting. My new job is 8.6 km each way and takes me around 40 min to do. It's quite a scenic and pretty ride at times so I thought I would post up a few pics of what I see along the way...
Sydney Uni
Bourke Street, Waterloo
Bridge to nowhere and everywhere.
Through one park...
And then another.
Lycra in the park still seems wrong.
Just gorgeous... sigh
Aaah Centennial Park... so nice to cruise through!
Morning coffee at Randwick.
So as you may have seen in the picture, I wear a helmet to work. Why..? Well, J-bot and I are quite anti-helmet orientated, but I have made the decision to wear one on the ride to work for two reasons and both have nothing to do with safety. Number one: I don't want to be harassed by cops on my way or looking out for them when I should be concentrating on the road. Number two: ditto for the rangers in Centennial Park who are worse then the police, and who puff themselves full of importance and lecture you endlessly while giving you the fine. I go through the park every day I work, so I really don't want to be paying through the nose for the no-helmet privilege!
So when I found out about the Punk Commute - anti-helmet protest. I say count me in. Helmets blah! I work as a Nanny but I don't want to live in a nanny state, thank you.
I like my commute... I don't like helmets or potholes but that's ok, they don't like me either.
Pish tosh xx
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