
Small Stories

Cameras and Bikes are great friends. Lomo cameras, like our Holgas (K-star's Holgagarde and my Holgalina), especially like to hang out with bikes, documenting the various adventures we get up to with their 120 film lovely-ness. When we head out for a ride, you can be assured that we'll have a large handful of cameras with us.

You may understand then, why we were so excited when we heard about Small Stories-Big Picture, an event for Sydney Design 2010 which combined these two loves of ours.

The tag line for the event is "A Bike Tour with a Difference". You could BYO bike and camera, or borrow one of the lovely Gofa bikes provided by Clarence Street Cyclery and one of the various types of Lomos available. We turned up at Cloth Fabric Store to collect our little guide books of Surry Hills the first weekend of the event. The guide featured a map for some lovely little stores, boutiques and cafes. The idea is to ride slow, visit the recommended stores along the route, and snap shots of lovely scenic, atmospheric Surry Hills.

Some of the best recommended stops were Cloth Fabric, where the ride started (the girls there were so nice and really enthusiastic), Bird Textile, I Ran the Wrong Way (both were so excited about the bike event), Reverse Garbage Taylor Square, Sparkle Cupcake (yum), Icarus Store, Metalab (inspiring stuff) and we finished the day with a glass of wine and olives at Vini. Perfect!

This Wednesday (the 18th Aug), the Beresford Hotel, another stop recommended in the tour, is hosting the closing night drinks for the Small Stories exhibit. The photos developed by the borrowed cameras and those uploaded by those with their own cameras will be on display and the Lomo cameras used in the event will be up for raffle (Oh me, oh my... i want the 9 shot, or the 360 camera, or the shiny chrome 35mm... or- all of them). I highly recommend turning up and having a drink, checking out the photos and hanging with the cool people who organized and took part in the bike tour.

Here's some of ours (some have been 'polarized', but it's all in the spirit of the thing...)











I highly recommend cycling and taking photos around Surry Hills, bike tour or no bike tour...


1 comment:

Nancy said...

This is the BEST way to start the day! Great photos, subjects and Sydney street scenes! ;-) x

