
Bike Fair Saturdays+Zine Fair Sundays

Sometimes it's too easy to forget the simple joy of a bike ride with friends. As we ride our bike more often and it becomes a more ingrained, unconscious part of the day, that magic feeling of flying down a hill or free-wheeling along a lovely flat road gets overtaken by all those mundane, everyday chores/facts/lists that inevitably run through your head while you're on your trusty two wheeled steed. This weekend with the WOOP2 event and the opening of the Sydney Rides Festival we were able to enjoy the (miraculous) sunshine, hang with friends and remember to take it easy, slow down, smell the organic-fresh-ground coffee and the organic-fresh-cut flowers.

I recently found a bunch of pics from another lovely weekend when we were able to chill, enjoy good company and get inspired by like minded people. Earlier this year we hopped on our bikes and headed to the always bright and colourful zine fair at the MCA. Here's a little edit...





More things in life should be as bright as this, and more weekends should be spent with great people doing the things we love. If you want to spend more time with lovely people and lovely bikes head to one of the ever awesome bike events happening over the next week or two organized for Sydney Cycleways and Sydney Rides Festival by The Spokes People.


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