1. Best Bike Decoration
2. Best High Vis Use
3. People's Favourite
Prizes include: saddle bags, backpacks, high vis wear, movie tickets, lights and more!
And an additional prize for the most Creative photo from the night. We will hold a facebook vote for this. If you want to send your favourite pic in from the night, just email us at featherbrigade@gmail.com, with the subject "Creative Pic Comp". We also welcome your pics from the night to share with everyone who attended via our blog. If you are happy to share please send your pics to us via email as "Vivid Pics" (just so we don't get confused). Here are our lovely prizes for the photo comp:
A copy of Cyclepedia, includes more than 200 pages of beautifully photographed bicycles! Oooh la la (think bike porn).
A copy of Cyclepedia, includes more than 200 pages of beautifully photographed bicycles! Oooh la la (think bike porn).
And a print from our Feather Brigade Artist, Laura Carey. Laura is a print based artist from Ireland and a happy-go-lucky bikelist with an extraordinary ability to carry hat stands on her bike.. This gorgeous print is titled 'The Bird in the Grass'. (you can see more from Laura's etsy shop here).
Happy snapping!